Recent Projects

Development of Regional Strategic Action Plan for Governance and Building Climate Resilience in the Water Sector of the Caribbean
An assessment of the water sector in the Caribbean ((Caribbean Development Bank, InterAmerican Development Bank, Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association) ), focusing on the existing policy environment and the status of the water utility companies, with recommendations for a strategic program to improve the governance of the sector, develop a culture for integrated water resources management, and implement measures to improve the resilience of the sector to the impacts of climate change.

Convener of the Climate Crisis Leading To The Establishment of The Climate Justice Project
A call to Action, and a national dialogue on the response of civil society in Small Island Developing States to the climate crisis, leading to the establishment of the Caribbean Climate Justice Project. Educating civil society in Saint Lucia and the Caribbean on the negative effects of climate change and creating a project to draw attention to the disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable and at-risk groups in the Caribbean and the need for climate justice for Caribbean citizens.

Establishment of the Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD)
An assessment of the policy and programmatic environment for responding to the impacts of climate change and natural disasters in the Commonwealth of Dominica, in order to recommend the optimal institutional structure and relationships for the establishment of an agency dedicated to increasing the climate resilience of the country.

Development of the Dominica Climate Resilience and Recovery Plan​
Building on existing low carbon and climate resilience plans, the development of a national climate resilience and recovery plan to guide the work of the Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica and to assist with the goal of making Dominica a climate-resilient country.

Co-Facilitation of the General Assembly of the International Planned Parenthood Federation
Comprising over 420 delegates of the IPPF Member Associations, Governing Council, independent commissioners, Secretariat and donor representatives, to achieve consensus on the recommendations of the Independent Governance Reform Commission and the Independent Resource Allocation Commission.

Assessment of the Alignment of the Operations of the Caribbean Development Bank with the Goals of the Paris Agreement
A thorough assessment of the policies and work programs of the Caribbean’s premier multilateral development bank, the Caribbean Development Bank, to determine its alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement, including the development of a methodology and reporting framework to allow for reporting on the progress made towards Paris Agreement alignment.

Review of the Windward Islands Banana Core Farmers Program
A review of the core, certified farmers program in Saint Lucia with a view towards recommending the optimal arrangement for contracting banana farmers in the Windward Islands to supply consistent, high-quality bananas to the United Kingdom market.